Fisher-Price Deluxe Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat with Toy Tray

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Style:Happy Hills This comfy and convenient Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat from Fisher-Price is perfect for playtime…or snack time! The wide, sturdy base and soft fabrics help support your little one as they learn to sit up on their own. Now they can explore the world around them, including the adorable animal pals on the removable toy tray! Plus, the seat folds for easy grab and go, and the cozy seat pad is machine washable! Where development comes into play Sensory: The seat's soft fabrics, bright colors, and exciting toys engage your baby's developing senses. Gross Motor: Fun spinners and animal clackers on the toy tray encourage little ones to reach and bat, exercising those teeny muscles. Security & Happiness: A comfy and supportive upright seat on a wide, sturdy base lets babies see and interact with their surroundings. Use only with a child who is able to hold head up unassisted and who is not able to climb out or walk.
  • Wide, sturdy base supports baby in an upright position
  • Removable toy tray with bat-at spinners, clacker beads & teether ring
  • Convenient snacking tray
  • Folds flat for space-saving storage or comfort on the go
  • Soft, cozy seat pad is removable and machine washable
  • See more product details
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