Xelerator 2nd Gen Softball Pitching Trainer w/Leather Ball
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The 2ND Generation Xelerator is the newest Xelerator design. It includes a light weight 1/2" strap, that is adjustable so that it will accommodate any size pitcher. The softer end is designed to protect the pitcher from injury. The lighter weight allows the pitcher to spin with the arm relaxed. The arm should be relaxed and slightly bent to allow the elbow to flex at the pitch. The Xelerator was designed to make the arm spin motion a linear movement. This linear movement leads to a pitching plane that accumulates energy to be released during the whipping motion. The line of force when straight allows the sequential movement of elbow, wrist, and finally fingers to maximize speed and control. When correcting bad habits or creating fresh new muscle memory the user should pay attention to the spin motion. Be sure to review the DVD that is provided with the product. There are explanations, examples, and drills for your use.
- NEW lighter weight allows the user to more closely duplicate the actual pitch.
- Effective for all levels of pitching experience.
- Used by professional coaches to both create and maintain the pitching motion.
- It reduces the time consumed in both training and pre-game warm-ups.
- The spin motion allows the user to spin 60 to 100 spins per minute. More repetitions done correctly with less time used provides a faster more efficient training experience.